Friday, July 10, 2009

My next book review:

What's He Really Thinking?
How to Be a Relational Genius with the Man in Your Life
By Paula Rinehart

A woman's guide into a man's heart and mind offering invaluable insights, understanding, and the tools for building healthier relationships.

Even in the best of relationships, over time, men and women drift apart because of the communication gaps they naturally possess. In What's He Really Thinking?, author and speaker Paula Rinehart gives incredible insight into these differences. In her conversational, almost poetic style, Rinehart unlocks some of the age-old mysteries of the male mind-set.

With more than twenty years of counseling experience, Rinehart sheds a realistic light on:
* how men think
* why they do what they do
* what they struggle with
She believes women who truly understand men have an ability to make an extraordinary impact on their lives. From scientific research to practical real-life stories, Rinehart removes the guess work and shows women how to become the relational geniuses they have always longed to be.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

This Is Your Brain On Joy

by Dr. Earl Henslin

Do you have categories in your library or even in your brain for self-help books you have read? I do. I have three categories for them. The first one is called Profound and in that category I place books which have the ability to profoundly affect the way I look at life. The second category I call Renewing and into that category I place books which contain insights and knowledge that isn't necessarily new to me yet somehow renews my vigor and encourages my heart, mind and soul to persevere. The third category is sort of a catch-all which I call Visit Often and into this category I place books that don't strictly fit into either of the first two AND have content that I need to revisit and rethink periodically. There should be more categories, but my brain has limits to how many categories it can remember!

After the first chapter or two of This Is Your Brain On Joy I thought it might go into the first category because of the nature of the material as it applied to me. Not being a specialist in anything like this, or having much background in human anatomy, I was a little intimidated by the technical aspects and how much detail Dr. Henslin goes into in explaining the various brain functions and locations. While he obviously puts forth a lot of effort in his writing style to keep the medical-speak to a minimum, there is still some new concepts and terms to grasp and this takes a couple of readings for the first few sections. Still, the knowledge was very new to me, and its impact on me of how I would look at people's behavior, from a Christian worldview, was going to be profoundly affected.

But the middle of the book became much more practical in its application oriented content and at that point, there wasn't so much new information, as it was refreshing, allowing me to more clearly understand how the scientific discoveries explained in the first section were able to affect real changes in how we treat and help people dealing with life's difficulties. I began to see how my own tendencies and behavior could be more effectively managed and understood; how exercise and diet would affect my outlook; where meditation on Scripture and various types of passages would be able to help and why... perhaps this book is really a book to RENEW my hope and give me greater empathy toward others?!

Finally, after reading and re-reading the first few sections and the middle, I got to the last chapters and it all fell into place. This book is one of those few, along with the Bible, that go into the Visit Often category. The principles and the ideas presented here, along with the supporting materials and recommended readings, make this book one to keep a handle on. In all my 30+ years as an adult Christian, 25+ years as a husband, 20+ years as a father, I am embarrassed to say that I have never really examined the concept of Joy beyond a few of the passages in the Bible where the apostle Paul tells us to count it all joy when we encounter various difficulties. I never asked myself what Paul's secret was? There's even a very popular book and video out these days called The Secret which is really no secret at all; just a way for some people to generate a lot of money for themselves, in my opinion. In This Is Your Brain On Joy I discovered that not only is the human brain a marvelous organ created by our magnificent God, it is discoverable and knowable, if perhaps never fully. That knowledge gives me freedom to hope and experience real joy

Life continues to come at me each day with unexpected turns and new challenges. I think I've found a survivor's manual kind of resource in this book to pull out of my back pack as needed in order to survive with my joy and hope intact.

One of the quotes in the book by Charles Spurgeon is worth repeating: Fits of depressions come over most of us. Usually cheerful as we may be, we must at intervals be cast down. The strong are not always vigorous, the wise may not always be ready, the brave not always courageous and the joyous not always happy. It is my opinion that This Is Your Brain On Joy is an effective resource training us with understanding how to establish patterns of living and thought that will increase our joy and effectiveness in our lives and work.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Same Kind of Different as Me

“I heard that when white folks go fishin they do somethin called ‘catch and release.’”
Catch and release? I nodded solemnly, suddenly nervous and curious at the same time.
“That really bothers me,” Denver went on. “I just can’t figure it out. ’Cause when colored folks go fishin, we really proud of what we catch, and we take it and show it off to everybody that’ll look. Then we eat what we catch . . . in other words, we use it to sustain us. So it really bothers me that white folks would go to all that trouble to catch a fish, then when they done caught it, just throw it back in the water.”
He paused again, and the silence between us stretched a full minute.
Then: “Did you hear what I said?”
I nodded, afraid to speak, afraid to offend.
Denver looked away, searching the blue autumn sky, then locked onto me again with that drill-bit stare. “So, Mr. Ron, it occurred to me: If you is fishin for a friend you just gon’ catch and release, then I ain’t got no desire to be your friend.”

This true, biographical story, written in the first person from the perspectives of two men, may seem stranger than fiction, but then, fiction has to make sense, does it not? The truth, on the other hand, is what it is. As one of the authors puts it:

"What must befall thee, must befall thee, what must pass ye by will pass ye by!”

I almost didn’t pick this book up, but did so on the recommendation of others. I am so happy I did. The tag line for the story is a good one. Ron Hall, wealthy art dealer, father and husband, through the influence of his service minded, Christian wife, Debbie, is reluctantly admitted into the sphere of another, equally reluctant, homeless vagabond named Denver, in what turns out to be a miraculous series of events ordained in God’s timing in ways no one would choose on their own had they the power to do otherwise.

While the story begs to be featured in a Hall Mark Hall of Fame series, I encourage you to not wait for the movie version, if there should be one. Buy the book and read it, and I dare you to try and put it down once you get started. It is not only a fascinating story, but extremely well written and marvelously unfolds itself to the reader.

Mechanically, the book is a back and forth narration by Denver and Ron as their respective timelines take them through their childhood into their adult years and onward through the the point where their lives intersect, then merge into friendship, and then eventually become a triple braided cord that will never be broken. As the book begins, the reader is introduced first to Denver’s narration of his early years, and then to Ron’s. Then the thread passes back and forth between Denver and Ron without letting you know who is telling the story. It’s not hard to discern when the story switches between Ron’s telling and Denver’s, but it forces the reader to be watchful for the change. Sometimes it catches you off guard and you have to go back a few sentences and start over when you realize you were reading what you thought was Denver’s telling but was actually Ron’s. The effect of this is that the reader gradually begins to realize the amazing truth in the title: that although one man is white, from southern white middle class stock, and the other is black, from poorer than poor black share cropper stock, they really are as much the same as they are different.... and thus so are we all!

Same Kind of Different as Me deals with prejudice, crises in faith, moral lapses, heart-wrenching tragedy, and true, abiding, love. It does so honestly, not preaching or moralizing, and without apology. Their lives are living proof that the love of Christ conquers all.

I recommend this book for any U.S. citizen, teen or above, or any person regardless of nationality who is familiar with the history of slavery and civil rights movements in North America and would like to read a first hand account. There is an abridged audio version, which I have heard and is done well, but get the book, first, and read the entire thing.

The book has a Q&A section at the end for class discussions, as well as a brief interview bringing the reader up to date with Ron and Denver’s lives. The reader will be emotionally affected by the story, and hopefully, motivated with a new understanding of the plight of homeless people around them and what they can do to make a difference.

Ron and Denver's website:

Thomas Nelson Publisher's website: